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Anthology of Popular Brazilian Music - Gitarre

Artikelnummer: MB 98317

Anthology of Popular Brazilian Music of the 19th Century

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von Flavio Henrique Medeiros und Carlos Almada

47 Seiten, MelBay MB 98317, Noten und TABs, englisch, ISMN 978-0-78665-333-1

The main goal of this anthology for solo guitar is to put several styles together - the "lundu," the "polca," the "maxixe," the "valsinha," the "quadrilha," the "choro," the "xotis," and the "samba"- in order to display the Brazilian musical scenery (especially from the city of Rio de Janeiro) of the last half of the 19th century and first years of the 20th century. The five composers are among the most important of that period: Francesco Manuel de Silva, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Joaquim Callado, Patapio Silva and Anacleto de Medeiros.

Amor perdido (valsinha) [k: Silva, Patapio, a: Medeiros, Flavio Henrique]
Cabeça de porco (xótis) - Anacleto de Medeiros, arr. Flávio Henrique Medeiros [a: Medeiros, Flavio Henrique]
Caprichosa (choro) - Joaquim Callado, arr. Carlos Almada [a: Almada, Carlos]
Flor amorosa (choro) - Joaquim Callado, arr. Carlos Almada [a: Almada, Carlos]
Forrobodó (quadrilha) [k: Gonzaga, Chiquinha, a: Medeiros, Flavio Henrique]
Gaúcho (maxixe) [k: Gonzaga, Chiquinha, a: Almada, Carlos]
Lundu da Marrequinha - Francisco Manuel da Silva, arr. Flávio Henrique Medeiros [a: Medeiros, Flavio Henrique]
Mulher homem (maxixe) [k: Gonzaga, Chiquinha, a: Almada, Carlos]
Polca [k: Silva, Patapio, a: Almada, Carlos]
Sua sina (samba) [a: Almada, Carlos]
Yara (xótis) - Anacleto de Medeiros, arr. Carlos Amada [a: Almada, Carlos]
Zinha (polca) [k: Silva, Patapio, a: Medeiros, Flavio Henrique]

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